Vejibag helps consumers keep their veggies fresh and crisp with reusable cloth bags made from 100% organic cotton and US-based grassroots supply-chain.


Created in 2013 by Sally Erickson, Vejibag was born out of necessity. Sally needed to keep veggies as fresh as possible, from the time they were picked in her year-round Eastport, Maine greenhouse, until they were taken home by customers from the local co-op market. It was also important to her to do that without creating plastic waste or using toxic chemicals.

After some research, Sally discovered what produce managers in grocery stores have known for a long time. Moisture-loving vegetables keep best in a cool damp environment. She found that this concept has actually been practiced for generations - many of our grandmothers wrapped vegetables in moistened tea towels or burlap to keep them crisp and delicious. So, Sally combined these two ideas into a handy organic cotton bag, eliminating plastic and coming up with a beautiful result: the Vejibag!

Sally prototyped the first bags in her living room and started sending out all her greenhouse grown greens and other vegetables in reusable cloth bags. Delighted customers picked up their orders from the market and gratefully returned their empty bags the following week.

Sally's idea for Vejibags really caught on locally, leading her to collaborate with a group of local Eastport women to start sewing the bags in their own homes. This cottage industry supported the workers making the bags and allowed Sally to further evolve the principles that would become the foundation of Vejibag, creating a sustainable business model that looks out for everyone.

Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Year Founded

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