Our Mission

At Unwrap, our mission is to help people adopt a plastic-free lifestyle.

For years, companies have slowly replaced everything that is real about their products for the cheaper and easier to produce alternative – plastic.

And while these plastics come in many forms – from textiles, to fake woods, to foams – evidence is mounting about the dangers that these products pose to much more than the environment.

Our goal at Unwrap is to expand the conversation – providing you with the information you need to make a more conscious decision about what you are putting on, in, or near your body.

Put simply, we’re here to help you ditch the plastic and opt for healthier alternatives. In the process, we hope to unwrap the future and make plastic free living more accessible and inspiring.

Continue reading to learn more about the problem with plastics.


Microplastics, tiny fragments of plastic less than five millimeters in length, are a growing concern for human health.

These minuscule particles are found in our food, water, and the air we breathe. The implications of this exposure are concerning, as microplastics are able to cross the blood-brain barrier and can be found in every organ of the human body.

Where do most microplastics come from?

Most microplastics, unfortunately, come from ordinary consumer products such as broken-down tires and synthetic textiles. Together, these two contribute up to roughly two-thirds of the oceans' microplastic pollution.

What are the health implications of microplastics?

Research on the human health implications of microplastics is still ongoing and fairly new. But several serious concerns have emerged.

Plastics can contain up to ~13,000 different chemicals, a quarter of which are considered hazardous for humans. These chemicals leach into the body and cause various health issues, including disruption to the endocrine system and hormones that regulate our growth and development, declining sperm counts, weight gain, and increased risks of cardiovascular disease.

Other implications may include physical irritation in the lungs and digestive tract, the disruption of gut bacteria, and potentially long-term neurological effects.

How do you reduce your exposure to microplastics?

The best answer is to gain awareness and become a better consumer by buying and consuming less plastic. You’re already off to a good start by being here! Otherwise, choosing natural fibers and materials over synthetics and limiting processed foods and bottled water can have an immediate impact.

Microscopic microplastics


Unfortunately, microplastics aren’t the only thing you need to worry about. While a plastic toy or ladle might look innocuous, the chemicals used to make the end product are not. Plasticizers, such as phthalates or bisphenols, are added to plastics to give them certain properties. 

Where do plasticizers come from?

Plasticizers are man-made chemicals added to plastics during manufacturing. Some of the most common and concerning groups include phthalates and bisphenol A (BPA).

Phthalates, for example, make plastic soft and pliable – think plastic food wrap, garden hoses, shower curtains, and foams in sofas and mattresses. They are also used in personal care products such as makeup, perfume, and shampoos. To make hard plastic soft and pliable, up to 30% of the product’s weight must come from a plasticizer chemical. But these chemicals easily leach away into our food, water, and bodies.

How do humans get exposed to plasticizers?

Humans are exposed to plasticizers in a few different ways: (1) by ingesting contaminated food and water, (2) by inhaling particles in the air, and (3) through dermal (skin) contact. Plasticizers are found in several common household and personal care items, often hiding in plain sight.

Think mattresses, pillows, sofas (foams), polyester clothing, paints, vinyl flooring, lubricating oils, plastic food wraps and storage, shower liners, non-stick pan coatings, coffee makers, makeup, nail polish, shampoo, etc.

What’s the deal with flame retardants?

Flammability standards, often enforced by states, require that certain synthetic materials and fabrics contain flame-retardant chemicals. This is intended to reduce the risk of fire because… well, they’re derived from petroleum (aka highly-flammable stuff!). Unfortunately, many of the commonly used flame retardants themselves are problematic. These chemicals have been linked to concerns like hormone disruption, potential cancer risk, and developmental and neurological problems.

A collection of plastics that use plasticizers

For Environment

The environmental impact of plastics is profound. From microplastic pollution in the oceans to the inefficiencies of plastic recycling – the ecological footprint of plastic is immense.

How do plastics pollute our environment?

The biggest environmental problem with plastic is that it doesn’t biodegrade easily. Instead, plastics break down into smaller and smaller pieces over time – from microplastics to nanoplastics – which can persist in the environment for centuries. This damages both land and aquatic ecosystems in several ways, despite our best efforts to recycle and manage waste.

What’s the issue with buying plastic if it’s recyclable?

Recycling should never be looked down upon. It just isn’t as efficient as we’re led to believe. While some recycling success stories do exist, studies show that roughly only 9% of all plastic ever produced has been recycled. Around 19% has been burned, and the remaining 72% has ended up in landfills or the environment.

How do plastics affect wildlife?

Animals often mistake plastic for food, leading to entanglement, choking, or internal injuries. And, just like humans, microplastics can be ingested in various ways. They can accumulate in the bodies of different species all across the globe – both land and water – as they move up the food chain.

Can plastics affect our soil?

If mass-production farming isn’t bad enough for our soil health, microplastic buildup can have far-reaching effects on agricultural productivity and soil biodiversity. Microplastics have been shown to alter the soil's physical structure, reducing water retention capacity and affecting plant growth and nutrient absorption.

Environment with plastic

Perks of Plastic-Free Living

Get back to your roots

Choose plastic-free and reconnect with brands who invest time and resources in traditional skills and artisan craft. In many cases, this can help preserve cultural heritage and support local communities.

Support circularity

Sustainability just got a whole new meaning. Embrace the circular economy by opting for plastic-free alternatives. Without the plastic, materials can be recycled and reused, minimizing environmental harm, waste, and health risks.

Redefine consumerism

Enough of the less for more sales pitches. Plastic-free living is a statement against the overconsumption driven by mass production and cheap materials. It's about choosing quality over quantity, and longevity over disposability. 

‍It’s really a win-win

By choosing plastic-free, you're not just making any purchase. You're taking a stand for your health and helping protect our planet from further microplastic pollution.